25th International EVSSAR Congress - European Society Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR 2024)

Eva Axnér

Eva Axnér obtained a veterinary degree (DVM) in 1991 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). She obtained a PhD degree in 2000 with her thesis “Sperm morphology and maturation in the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) with special reference to the morphology and function of the epididymis”. In 2008 she became an associate professor and in 2012 full professor at SLU. She has been a diplomat in the European College of Animal Reproduction (Dipl. ECAR, small animals) since 2002.

She has been a member of EVSSAR for more than 20 years and was elected a board member of EVSSAR in 2022. She works as a teacher at the division of reproduction at SLU, mainly for 4th and 5th-year veterinary students but also in veterinary nursing and MSc courses in animal science.

Her clinical activities are related to small animal reproduction including semen preservation and artificial insemination. She is responsible for the canine semen bank at SLU. She has more the 70 scientific publications with an h-index of 23 (Google Scholar). Her research has involved topics on sperm maturation and function in the domestic cat, AI in cat fertility and parturition and neonatal health in dogs and cats, diagnostics, sperm conservation, and field reproduction in the grey wolf and the Eurasian lynx.